About Us

Hello, I’m Sean, a web developer from the UK. I do all of the backend stuff in the site. the importing of cards, programming of the Deckbuilder and the like.
I came from the Portal community, then hopped into Minecraft (where I managed to get Cake into the game!), then into the FNaF community, where I made a similar website. (Where there was just, so much drama. So much politics. How could scary bear game be so political???)
I made this site because frankly, I got annoyed that the old FSS website was so utterly outdated. So, I decided to do something about it. I cracked out my deck and started to document each card, individually. Slowly expanding the site to suit the community, then eventually taking on rediculous challenges, like the Deckbuilder.
In my spare time, I pretty much just watch YouTube. I’ve sadly not been able to play Four Souls that much due to this pandemic. But, hopefully, that will change as things wind down.
Charlie is the Rules Tzar for the site, and is responsible for ensuring the rules and FAQ sections are clear and up to date. He has spent many hours playing Four Souls, and many more answering ruling questions on Twitter and Reddit ever since the first Kickstarter.
He also helped the fantastic Jon Paull (@jonzo11) when he was making his comprehensive rules guide – a guide that remains brilliant and was used as a starting point for the rules on this website.
When he isn’t playing Four Souls, Charlie should probably be focusing on his medical degree. He can also be found hanging out with friends, writing for the RPG campaign he GMs, reading, and playing football.

Special Thanks
Fabby29, Eatr61 and MarksmanTyler – Card gathering
Egghorse – Artist credits for all the cards From their spreadsheet
Maestro Media and Edmund McMillen – Creating the game itself