Monster Death

When a monster is reduced to 0 health or killed by an effect:

  1. Put its death on the stack. The active player gets priority.
  2. The monster card is moved to the stack, then any rewards are put on the stack, then any on-death triggered effects from the monster are put on the stack. The active player gets priority.
  3. The active player gains the monster card as a soul card if it is a boss, or discards it if it is a basic monster. If an active monster slot is now empty, that monster slot must be refilled with the top card of the monster deck (see Refilling Slots).

Related FAQs

Attacking and Monster Slots

What happens if a player kills a monster or boss during another player’s turn?

The active player always gains the rewards of any monster being killed, regardless of how the monster was killed. If the monster killed was a boss the active player also gains the soul.

What happens if a player and a monster both take lethal damage at the same time?

Normally the rules of the stack mean that one of the effects or dice rolls that would kill either the player or the monster resolves first, and thus combat will be cancelled before the other can die. There are a few exceptions, however, with a number of effects that deal damage to both a player and a monster at the same time, such as Lust's effect. In these rare cases where both the player and the monster die at the same time you resolve the monster’s death first, then the player’s.

Monster Cards

What does it mean when a monster card has a reward of “Roll: Gain x¢” or “Roll: Loot x”?

You roll a dice when resolving the rewards for that monster's death and then when that dice roll resolves you gain ¢ or loot equal to the number rolled.

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