Card Types
Shuffle the monster, loot, and treasure decks, and place them apart on the table.
Place two treasure cards face up next to the treasure deck. These are the current shop items.
Place two monster cards face up next to the monster deck. These are the current active monsters. Place any non-monster cards revealed during setup on the bottom of the deck.
If you are playing with the bonus souls, also place those face up next to the play area.
Shuffle the character deck and deal out one character card to all players face down. Each player then reveals their character and gains that character’s starting item. All players start with their character card deactivated (turned sideways) and their starting item charged (turned upright).
Each player starts the game with 3¢ and 3 loot cards.
Cain always gets the first turn. If Cain is not one of the characters drawn, then the saddest person playing goes first, or you can just roll a dice (lowest dice roll goes first!), whatever works…
Example Setup
Above is an example of the setup for a four player game. Note how each player starts with their character card deactivated (turned sideways) and their starting item charged (turned upright). The face down cards on the playmat represent (from left to right) the treasure deck, the loot deck, and the monster deck. The discard piles for each of these decks will be placed next to them. In this example Mr Boom and Midas Touch are the shop items; Little Horn and Leaper are the active monsters.
Related FAQs
Character Cards
What happens to the two items that Eden doesn’t pick?
The two treasure cards not selected by Eden during setup are put on the bottom of the treasure deck.
Can I use an item with ‘Destroy this:’ as Eden’s starting item?
Items with “Destroy this:” don’t function with Eden because the effect is conditional on the item destroying itself, and the item won't be able to be destroyed if it gains eternal. Nothing prevents you from taking the item, but the effect would fizzle on every activation and so there will likely be better options.
Can I use Glass Canon as Eden’s starting item?
Most items that destroy themselves don't work if made eternal, but Glass Cannon is an exception as the main effect is not conditional on the item destroying itself. With Glass Canon, only the 'Loot 2' after a roll of 1-5 will fizzle if the item can't destroy itself.
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If so, feel free to submit a question to our Card Tzar! He may decide to edit the article to clarify the issue, or to add an FAQ to clarify your question.
Card Types