Turn Structure

Each turn involves three main phases: the starting phase, the action phase, and the ending phase, each of which have a number of steps within them.

“You” in this section refers to the active player (the player whose turn it is).

When all players pass priority in succession while the stack is empty (see The Stack), the turn progresses to the next step or phase. Note that step 1 of the starting phase, and steps 2-5 of the ending phase do not use the stack and thus the turn will progress to the next step, phase, or turn immediately.

If an effect ever ends the active player’s turn, the turn jumps to the first step of the Ending Phase (if it is not already in that phase). Ending a turn cancels combat, but does not cancel any effects on the stack. Any remaining effects on the stack (item or loot card effects, refilling active monster slots, etc.) must resolve before the Ending Phase can begin.

1. Starting Phase

  1. Recharge (turn upright) all of your items and your character card.
  2. Start of turn effects trigger and are added to the stack.
  3. ‘Loot 1’ is put on the stack; when this resolves, you draw the top card of the loot deck and put it in your hand.

2. Action Phase

During the action phase, you may do any or all of the following in any order:

3. Ending Phase

  1. End of turn effects trigger and are added to the stack.
  2. Heal all players (even ones that have died that turn) and monsters to full health.
  3. Any effects that last until the end of turn wear off.
  4. If you have more than 10 loot cards in your hand, discard down to 10.
  5. Pass the turn to the player to your left.

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